After more than 20 years of the GSM-R success story, it is now time for the next generation of rail...
Kontron Transportation Austria AG

Kontron Transportation (formerly Kapsch CarrierCom AG) has a strong track record in telecommunication solutions for public operators, railway operators and public urban transport operators. With around 20 years of experience in dedicated railway technology and active contribution to ETSI TC-RT, EIRENE, MORANE and 3GPP, Kontron Transportation is the world-market leading manufacturer and turn-key supplier of mission-critical solutions for railway operators.
Today, our corporate strategy is dedicated to foster innovation in the railway and mission critical industry sector.
Based on 3GPP next generation mission critical (MC) services standards and pre-standard FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) services, Kontron Transportation will contribute with integration of a services framework and clients into the common platform and applying mission critical and complementary non-mission critical services to demonstrate railway vertical service scenarios. Focus is validation of MC based FRMCS concepts with 5G network capabilities, in particular Quality of Service (QoS) management capabilities. Multiple classes of rail services with separated flows and different availability- and mobility-characteristics are validated to be efficiently transported and monitored in a 5G network environment. Resulting outcomes of integration and validation activities are considered to be contributed in ETSI RT and 3GPP MC standard process for FRMCS for 5G.
After more than 20 years of the GSM-R success story, it is now time for the next generation of rail...
Large scale trials for Railway, Energy, Media and Factories of the Future planned 5G-VICTORI is funded by the EU program...
This project has been funded by the European Commission as part of the H2020 program, under the grant agreement 857201.
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