5G and subsequent generations of connectivity, compared to the current network technologies such as LTE or WIFI, promise higher bit...
DB Netz AG
DB Netz AG - Fahrweg

Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) is the biggest company for railway transportation in Germany and aims at becoming the worldwide leading mobility and logistics provider. The German railway infrastructure consists of more than 8000 train stations and has a length over 33,000 kilometres. This network is controlled by about 3,300 interlocking systems of various types.
DB Netz AG (DBN) is the infrastructure provider of DB AG and is responsible for building and maintaining the railway infrastructure and associated systems, like interlockings, signalling systems and other track-side equipment.
DBN will be one of the use-cases owners of the project and will evaluate alternative communication paths for signalling networks as well as the advanced multimedia features use-case with RBB.
5G and subsequent generations of connectivity, compared to the current network technologies such as LTE or WIFI, promise higher bit...
Large scale trials for Railway, Energy, Media and Factories of the Future planned 5G-VICTORI is funded by the EU program...
This project has been funded by the European Commission as part of the H2020 program, under the grant agreement 857201.
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