Successful Field Trials and Workshop in Greece
The 5G-VICTORI consortium concluded on June 27th in Patras, Greece, its ultimate Field Trials and, as the last event of the project, a Workshop dedicated to 5G and vertical industries was held in Athens, Greece on June 28th. These two events spanned from Monday, June 26th, to Wednesday, June 28th.
During the first two days, the group gathered at the University of Patras with representatives from the European Commission. The main goal was to present and demonstrate the results of the trials taking place in Greece, including final on-site demonstrations of Use Cases (UCs): UC #1.1 (Enhanced Mobile Broadband under High Speed Mobility) and UC #3 (Media Services provisioning in Railway Environment) at Hellenic Train facilities; UC #2 (Factories of the Future), at ADMIE facilities; and, finally, results of UC #4 (Energy Metering). These results showed how 5G technology can meet the needs and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of different industries, such as Transportation, Energy, Media and Factories of the Future.
On June 28th 2023, an interactive workshop entitled “5G adoption: an enabler for industries” was held at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). Over 60 participants attended this workshop, where the main discussion points were how 5G can support industries like transportation (railways), energy and media.
These final trials and the subsequent workshop are significant milestones for the 5G-VICTORI Project. They provided valuable insights into the potential of 5G technology for different industries and highlighted its importance in driving progress.