5G-VICTORI contributes to the FRAUNHOFER FUSECO FORUM 2019
5G-VICTORI Coordinator, Jesús Gutiérrez (IHP), will present the 5G Berlin Platform on Thursday 7 November
The 2019 edition of the FRAUNHOFER FUSECO FORUM (FFF) is returning to Berlin on 7-8 November, with a complete programme of activities, including hands-on live demonstration and in-depth technical discussions with leading operators, manufacturers, integrators, as well as various industry verticals around the most recent 5G hot topics.
5G-VICTORI will contribute to the session “From Testbed To Trials And Products”, which will look at various verticals as deployed and evaluated within the new ICT-19 projects, as well as the commercial perspective towards future, 5G-based telecommunication. 5G-VICTORI Coordinator, Jesús Gutiérrez (IHP) will present a talk entitled “The 5G-VICTORI Project – A Closer Look To The Berlin Platform And Use Cases” (Thursday, 7 November, 16.00-17.30 h). In his talk, Gutiérrez will explain how the 5G Berlin Platform will address the high-density scenario in a Railway station demonstrating eMBB services, and develop a common platform for Mission Critical voice and video and other MC rail-related data and signalling services, which will be coupled with the 5GENESIS network infrastructure.
This year FFF will look at the state of technology development in terms of standards, products, and first solutions derived from international technology and application trials. Participants will discuss potential business models in different vertical domains, particularly looking at emerging private networks for enterprises. As this year is dominated by European 5G auctions and availability of first standard-compliant 5G products, FFF will also look at operator 5G rollout plans, including migration and interworking with 4G, Wi-Fi, and satellite networks. As usual, FFF will also consider relevant 5G testbeds and trials around the globe.
For further information and to register, please visit: www.fuseco-forum.org